Digital Transformation in the World

Digital Transformation in the World

Digital Transformation in the World

How many of us use cameras now…


Which of us goes to the library and does research from old encyclopedias…


Who is constantly going to the bank to transfer money…


How many people are increasingly taking their appointments face-to-face…


The number of people attending many meetings without leaving our office is quite high…


We can increase the examples quite a bit…


It seems that the people who adapt the fastest to digital transformation are people…


Either the private sector, public institutions…


To give an example, the Public Institutions that are the fastest to keep up with the technology in South Korea


has been. Information worth researching.




While each of us is keeping up with this digitalization, it is important that companies do not fall behind in digitalization.


It is a very important issue especially for companies in the manufacturing industry…


If Turkey has a price advantage in the manufacturing industry but cannot keep up with the digital transformation,


will lose its price advantage.


If we make an overview of digital transformation in the world;


Digital Transformation in the World in Numbers


Digital Transformation created by Mastercard with The Fletcher School at Tufts University


According to the Index 2017 reports, countries are divided into 4 groups;




1- Stable countries; Scandinavian countries as South Korea, Australia, Canada, USA and Germany


sorted. Stagnant countries initially made great strides in digital transformation and then


referred to as stagnating countries.




2- Prominent countries; Singapore, England, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Hong Kong,


It is stated as Japan and Israel. These are the countries that show rapid development in digital transformation.


is located as.




3- Risky countries; It ranks as South Africa, Peru, Egypt, Greece and Pakistan. digital development and


It is defined as countries whose adaptation is very weak.




4- Among the countries that broke their shell, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines, Russia, India,


Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Turkey. These countries are backward in terms of digital development.


Countries that are adapting to the transformation much faster and gaining momentum day by day compared to the countries that have been left behind.


is referred to as.


Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, South Korea, Australia, Canada, USA and Germany


The stable countries category has shown strong growth in digital transformation in the past years, but


It includes countries where slowdown in growth rate has been observed. Digitization of the countries in this category


It is suggested that they should continue their innovation investments without interruption so that they do not fall behind.


It is among the countries where the prominent countries in the digitalization process are described as 'digital elites'.


Although the UAE, Singapore and Hong Kong have a small geography, they are international.


They pioneered digitalization due to their position as important trade centers.


is emphasized. In addition, developments in government policies and the rapid increase in the number of start-ups,


It is shown as an advantage for accelerating the digitalization processes of these countries. Therefore


To say that in a country where entrepreneurship is widespread, digital transformation will become as widespread.


it wouldn't be wrong.




Countries that lag behind in digital transformation such as South Africa, Peru, Egypt, Greece and Pakistan


If they do not take the necessary actions, they are at a very low level in the digital transformation competition.


They are expected to stay. According to the data in the report; Internet in these countries, especially in mobile


It is necessary to establish a strategy for the dissemination of its use.


In the published report, countries in the category of 'breaking their shell', including Turkey,


Although they lag behind the leading countries in digital transformation, they are countries that are making rapid progress.


For this reason, it can be said that these countries are in a very strategic position for investors.


The situation in general in the world is like this…


Or Turkey;


We will discuss Turkey's digital transformation and future plans from past to present in our next article.


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