Within the scope of our state support service;
TÜBİTAK, within the scope of Industrial R&D Project Support Programs, aims to encourage industrial organizations in our country to allocate more resources to R&D, to encourage the increase in R&D activities, and to encourage closer cooperation and partnerships between industrial organizations and universities. The following support programs are carried out by the Innovation Support Programs Presidency (TEYDEB). |
KOSGEB Supports |
KOSGEB Supports are the supports given as Grants and Incentives in order for small and medium-sized enterprises to increase their role in the economy and their competitiveness, to integrate into economic developments by providing added value to the country's economy by turning to institutionalization, investing, providing employment, research and development activities. |
Development Agency Supports |
Development Agencies are autonomous public institutions that work under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology to reduce inequalities between regions and to ensure regional development. Thanks to 26 regional development agencies covering 81 provinces in Turkey, up to 75% support is provided in grant programs with sub-titles such as economic development, social development, rural development, small-scale infrastructure projects and SME financial support. |
Tarım ve Kırsal Kalkınmayı Destekleme Kurumu (TKDK) tarafından desteklenen Tarım ve Hayvancılık Destekleri Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı ile Avrupa Birliği (AB) ortaklı bir kalkınma projesidir. IPARD, Avrupa Birliği (AB) tarafından aday ve potansiyel aday ülkelere destek olmak amacıyla oluşturulan, Katılım Öncesi Yardım Aracı’nın) Kırsal Kalkınma bileşenidir. Katılım Öncesi Kırsal Kalkınma Aracı (IPARD) olarak bilinir. |
Kırsal Kalkınma Yatırımlarının Desteklenmesi Programı, kırsal alanda ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmeyi sağlamak için, gerçek ve tüzel kişilerin ekonomik faaliyete yönelik, öz sermayeye dayalı projeli yatırımlarını teşvik etmek amacıyla hibe desteği verilmesini sağlayan, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı tarafından desteklenen bir kırsal kalkınma programıdır. |
Export Incentives |
In line with the 2023 targets of our country, in order to ensure that domestic and national production products and services can take place in foreign markets, we perform target market matching of companies with our international expert and experienced business partners, and provide consultancy services in the fields of market research and export operation management. The aim of our Export Promotion Consultancy service is to raise awareness and support the senior managers of the companies, practitioners of state aids and foreign trade unit employees in this regard. Our company provides consultancy services from the selection of the appropriate support program to the preparation of the file to be presented to our companies that want to closely follow all the support and grant programs of all public institutions and organizations for producers and exporters. Our companies can request support from the support listed below. |
Investment Incentive Certificate |
Investment Incentive System is one of the incentive tools applied to achieve certain targets of enterprises within the scope of development plans determined by the State. Within the scope of Investment Incentive Certificate, investment amount, investment subject, feasibility; It is a document containing information on land, construction and building expenditures, global machinery lists, domestic and imported machinery lists, equipment and related software expenditures. |
SSI Incentive Consultancy |
SSI incentive consultancy; It is to provide financial savings by paying less SGK premiums by making use of various incentives provided by the state and supported by certain legal bases. In addition, SGK Incentive Consultancy is a process that requires effort and can affect the financial situation of the company or real person. by SSI; increasing employment, supporting young entrepreneurs, etc. Within the framework of certain laws and rules, employers can apply for SSI incentives. SSI incentives are important for companies to obtain the maximum benefit, to reduce unemployment and for our companies to survive. That is why this process should be carried out by professionals in order to receive the most accurate and error-free highly relevant incentives. |
The possibility of benefiting from these supports and the duration of the investment to be made vary depending on the size, region and subject of the investment.
As The White International, we provide consultancy services that enable businesses to benefit from these investment programs in the most comprehensive way, which supports the acceleration of investment returns within the scope of the incentive certificate in order to reduce and reduce the initial costs of both newly planned investments, capacity increases and investments such as modernization.
In addition, The White International, which constantly monitors investment incentive programs, analyzes the relevant processes in the fastest way, determines the strategies to be followed for businesses step by step, and aims to provide maximum incentives by including businesses in the processes.