Of course, we can use technology in a good way as well as in a bad way.
As we mentioned in our previous article, the people who adapt the technology the fastest…
Generation Z has a great impact on Turkey's keeping up with the technology simultaneously with the developed countries of the world. Whether young people use it in productive jobs, and whether they spend most of their time on social media is a very different issue.
Generation Z closely follows and learns all the developments in the world thanks to technological developments and spreads this in Turkey.
So, can we achieve this digitalization success in the Z generation at the same rate in the private and public sectors?
First of all, if we look at public institutions;
Thanks to the e-Government application, there is a total digitalization in public institutions and it provides a very successful progress. Very few public institutions could not be accessed through this application, apart from that, access to many services is now possible over the internet. Apart from this, each ministry has its own applications. One of the most successful ministries in this regard is the Ministry of Health. The e-Pulse system makes many of our jobs easier. The Office of Digital Transformation was established in the Presidency and it is working very actively…
The important issue for us to compete with the world is that the private sector needs to keep up with it faster. Large companies (above SMEs) attach importance to this issue and adapt quickly. However, SMEs lag behind due to the low level of technology use.
It is right here that the energy of the Z generation and their perspective on digitalization should be transferred to SMEs as well. Other things to do;
1. Increasing awareness of digital transformation in industry,
2. Strengthening the education infrastructure,
3. Strengthening the data communication infrastructure,
4. Strengthening the technology infrastructure and
5. Support for producers and users of digital technology should continue.
According to technology user companies participating in the study conducted by TÜSİAD and BCG to determine "Turkey's Digital Transformation Competence in Industry", the biggest obstacles to digital transformation are;
- High investment cost (27%)
- Uncertainty of return on investment (18%)
- Shortage of skilled workers (16%)
- Insufficient technological infrastructure (13%)
- Lack of local suppliers (10%)
- Lack of information about digital technologies (8%).
As a result, if we can evaluate the potential of Generation Z correctly, we can successfully complete Industry 4.0 thanks to their curiosity and interest.
Source: 11th Development Plan